Friday 13 May 2016

African Mathematical School you must take Advantage of before the end of 2016

Image result for african mathematical school

CIMPA is supporting African Mathematical Schools (EMA) of the African Mathematical Union (AMU). The duration of an EMA is between 2 and 4 weeks. Their main objectives are :

- To provide Master students or early PhD students with the mathematical foundations and essential tools of selected active areas of mathematics.
- To contribute to the development of mathematics in all regions of the African continent by promoting the exchange of knowledge between young African mathematicians and the international mathematical community.
- To break the isolation of African mathematicians by providing a platform for meeting fellow mathematicians from around the world, for exchanging knowledge and for sharing experience.

List of EMA Schools 

August 22 - September 2, Luanda, Angola.
Harmonic analysis, PDEs and applications. Contact.

September 4 - 17, Natitingou, Bénin.
Algèbre, Géométrie et Applications. Contact.

September 5 - 16, N’Djamena, Tchad.
Géométrie, Analyse numérique et Applications. Contact.

November 28 - December 10, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Interactions entre Cryptographie et Géométrie Algébrique. Contact.

December 12 - 23, Maradi, Niger.
Algèbre et Géométrie, Ondelettes et EDPs. Contact.

Application into these Schools is still open.

Best of Luck

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