CIMPA is supporting African Mathematical Schools (EMA) of the African Mathematical Union (AMU). The duration of an EMA is between 2 and 4 weeks. Their main objectives are :

List of EMA Schools
August 22 - September 2, Luanda, Angola.
Harmonic analysis, PDEs and applications. Contact.
Harmonic analysis, PDEs and applications. Contact.
September 4 - 17, Natitingou, Bénin.
Algèbre, Géométrie et Applications. Contact.
Algèbre, Géométrie et Applications. Contact.
September 5 - 16, N’Djamena, Tchad.
Géométrie, Analyse numérique et Applications. Contact.
Géométrie, Analyse numérique et Applications. Contact.
November 28 - December 10, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Interactions entre Cryptographie et Géométrie Algébrique. Contact.
Interactions entre Cryptographie et Géométrie Algébrique. Contact.
December 12 - 23, Maradi, Niger.
Algèbre et Géométrie, Ondelettes et EDPs. Contact.
Algèbre et Géométrie, Ondelettes et EDPs. Contact.
Application into these Schools is still open.
Best of Luck