Friday 5 August 2016


Image result for prove that 2=1

A student was given an assignment to show that 2 = 1. He successfully showed this using the argument below.

Let a, b be real numbers, such that
a = b = 1  
a^2 = ab
a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a-b) (a+b) = b(a-b)
This imply,
(a+b) = b
Since a=b=1
2 = 1   QED.
An alternative proof is;
For any x real number,
x^2 = x^2
x^2 - x^2 = x^2 -x^2
x(x - x) = (x -x)(x + x)
This imply
x = x + x
x = 2x
Hence, 1 = 2  QED.
There is something wrong with these proofs. kindly spot out the line where the argument has a flaw.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Math Jokes that Cracks the Rib


Applying For A Job There are three people applying for the same job. One is a mathematician, one a statistician, and one an accountant.

The interviewing committee first calls in the mathematician. They say "we have only one question. What is 500 plus 500?" The mathematician, without hesitation, says "1000." The committee sends him out and calls in the statistician.

When the statistician comes in, they ask the same question. The statistician ponders the question for a moment, and then answers "1000... I'm 95% confident." He is then also thanked for his time and sent on his way.

When the accountant enters the room, he is asked the same question: "what is 500 plus 500?" The accountant replies, "what would you like it to be?"

They hire the accountant.

Airport Security A stats professor plans to travel to a conference by plane. When he passes the security check, they discover a bomb in his carry-on-baggage. Of course, he is hauled off immediately for interrogation.
"I don't understand it!" the interrogating officer exclaims. "You're an accomplished professional, a caring family man, a pillar of your parish - and now you want to destroy that all by blowing up an airplane!"
"Sorry", the professor interrupts him. "I had never intended to blow up the plane."
"So, for what reason else did you try to bring a bomb on board?!"
"Let me explain. Statistics shows that the probability of a bomb being on an airplane is 1/1000. That's quite high if you think about it - so high that I wouldn't have any peace of mind on a flight."
"And what does this have to do with you bringing a bomb on board of a plane?"
"You see, since the probability of one bomb being on my plane is 1/1000, the chance that there are two bombs is 1/1000000. If I already bring one, the chance of another bomb being around is actually 1/1000000, and I am much safer..."

Catholic School A father who is very much concerned about his son's bad grades in math decides to register him at a catholic school. After his first term there, the son brings home his report card: He's getting "A"s in math.
The father is, of course, pleased, but wants to know: "Why are your math grades suddenly so good?"
"You know", the son explains, "when I walked into the classroom the first day, and I saw that guy on the wall nailed to a plus sign, I knew one thing: This place means business!"

...LOL "The fear of the cross is the beginning of knowing maths"

Little Boy Son: "My math teacher is crazy".
Mother: "Why?"
Son: "Yesterday she told us that five is 4+1; today she is telling us that five is 3 + 2."

Half Bread or Heaven
At a church service, a mathematician was asked to choose between Half bread and Heaven. HE CHOSE HALF BREAD claiming that he can prove that a half bread is better than heaven. This was his proof; We know that Half bread is better than Nothing, we also know that Nothing is better than Heaven. Hence, by transitivity Half bread is better than Heaven. QED

Top ten excuses for not doing homework:
  • I accidentally divided by zero and my paper burst into flames.
  • Isaac Newton's birthday.
  • I could only get arbitrarily close to my textbook. I couldn't actually reach it.
  • I have the proof, but there isn't room to write it in this margin.
  • I was watching the World Series and got tied up trying to prove that it converged.
  • I have a solar powered calculator and it was cloudy.
  • I locked the paper in my trunk but a four-dimensional dog got in and ate it.
  • I couldn't figure out whether i am the square of negative one or i is the square root of negative one.
  • I took time out to snack on a doughnut and a cup of coffee.
  • I spent the rest of the night trying to figure which one to dunk.
  • I could have sworn I put the homework inside a Klein bottle, but this morning I couldn't find it.

  • Salary Theorem
    The less you know, the more you make.
    Postulate 1: Knowledge is Power.
    Postulate 2: Time is Money.
    As every engineer knows: Power = Work / Time
    And since Knowledge = Power and Time = Money
    It is therefore true that Knowledge = Work / Money .
    Solving for Money, we get:
    Money = Work / Knowledge
    Thus, as Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of the amount of Work done.

    The encounter between e^x and  d/dy
    A constant function and e^x are walking on Broadway. Then suddenly the constant function sees a differential operator approaching and runs away. So e^x follows him and asks why the hurry. "Well, you see, there's this differential operator coming this way, and when we meet, he'll differentiate me and nothing will be left of me...!" "Ah," says e^x, "he won't bother ME, I'm e to the x!" and he walks on. Of course he meets the differential operator after a short distance.
    e^x: "Hi, I'm e^x"
    differential operator: "Hi, I'm d/dy

    LOL...your CALCULUS should tell you e^x is in trouble.

    Finally, let us consider how Mathematicians do their things
    HOW WE DO IT...

    Aerodynamicists do it in drag.
    Algebraists do it in a ring, in fields, in groups. Analysts do it continuously and smoothly. Applied mathematicians do it by computer simulation. Banach spacers do it completely. Bayesians do it with improper priors. Catastrophe theorists do it falling off part of a sheet. Combinatorists do it as many ways as they can. Complex analysts do it between the sheets Computer scientists do it depth-first. Cosmologists do it in the first three minutes. Decision theorists do it optimally. Functional analysts do it with compact support. Galois theorists do it in a field. Game theorists do it by dominance or saddle points. Geometers do it with involutions. Graph theorists do it in four colors. Hilbert spacers do it orthogonally. Large cardinals do it inaccessibly. Linear programmers do it with nearest neighbors. Logicians do it by choice, consistently and completely. Number theorists do it perfectly and rationally. Mathematical physicists understand the theory of how to do it, but have difficulty obtaining practical results. Pure mathematicians do it rigorously. Quantum physicists can either know how fast they do it, or where they do it, but not both. Real analysts do it almost everywhere Ring theorists do it non-commutatively. Set theorists do it with cardinals. Statisticians probably do it. Topologists do it openly, in multiply connected domains Variationists do it locally and globally. 
    Cantor did it diagonally. Fermat tried to do it in the margin, but couldn't fit it in. Galois did it the night before. Mðbius always does it on the same side. Markov does it in chains. Newton did it standing on the shoulders of giants. Turing did it but couldn't decide if he'd finished.


    For more jokes, you can check

    40-year math mystery and four generations of figuring

    This may sound like a familiar kind of riddle: How many brilliant mathematicians does it take to prove the Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture?
    But the answer is no joke, because arriving at it took mental toil that spanned four decades until this year, when mathematicians at the Georgia Institute of Technology finally announced a proof of that conjecture in Graph Theory.
    Their research was funded by the National Science Foundation.
    Graph Theory is a field of mathematics that's instrumental in complex tangles. It helps you make more connecting flights, helps get your GPS unstuck in traffic, and helps manage your Facebook posts.
    Back to the question. How many? Six (at least).
    One made the conjecture. One tried for years to prove it and failed but passed on his insights. One advanced the mathematical basis for 10 more years. One helped that person solve part of the proof. And two more finally helped him complete the rest of the proof.
    Elapsed time: 39 years.
    So, what is the Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture, anyway? Its name comes from Paul Seymour from Princeton University, who came up with the notion in 1977. Then another mathematician named Alexander Kelmans, arrived at the same conjecture in 1979.
    And though the Georgia Tech proof fills some 120 pages of math reasoning, the conjecture itself is only one short sentence:
    If a graph G is 5-connected and non-planar, then G has a TK5.
    The devil called 'TK5'
    You could call a TK5 the devil in the details. TK5s are larger relatives of K5, a very simple formation that looks like a 5-point star fenced in by a pentagon. It resembles an occult or Anarchy symbol, and that's fitting. A TK5 in a "graph" is guaranteed to thwart any nice, neat "planar" status.
    Graph Theory. Planar. Non-planar. TK5. Let's go to the real world to understand them better.
    "Graph Theory is used, for example, in designing microprocessors and the logic behind computer programs," said Georgia Tech mathematician Xingxing Yu, who has shepherded the Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture's proof to completion. "It's helpful in detailed networks to get quick solutions that are reasonable and require low computational complexity."
    To picture a graph, draw some cities as points on a whiteboard and lines representing interstate highways connecting them.
    But the resulting drawings are not geometrical figures like squares and trapezoids. Instead, the lines, called "edges," are like wires connecting points called "vertices." For a planar graph, there is always some way to draw it so that the lines from point to point do not cross.
    In the real world, a microprocessor is sending electrons from point to point down myriad conductive paths. Get them crossed, and the processor shorts out.
    In such intricate scenarios, optimizing connections is key. Graphs and graph algorithms play a role in modeling them. "You want to get as close to planar as you can in these situations," Yu said.
    In Graph Theory, wherever K5 or its sprawling relatives TK5s show up, you can forget planar. That's why it's important to know where one may be hiding in a very large graph.
    The human connections
    The human connections that led to the proof of the Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture are equally interesting, if less complicated.
    Seymour had a collaborator, Robin Thomas, a Regent's Professor at Georgia Tech who heads a program that includes a concentration on Graph Theory. His team has a track record of cracking decades-old math problems. One was even more than a century old.
    "I tried moderately hard to prove the Kelmans-Seymour conjecture in the 1990s, but failed," Thomas said. "Yu is a rare mathematician, and this shows it. I'm delighted that he pushed the proof to completion."
    Yu, once Thomas' postdoc and now a professor at the School of Mathematics, picked up on the conjecture many years later.
    "Around 2000, I was working on related concepts and around 2007, I became convinced that I was ready to work on that conjecture," Yu said. He planned to involve graduate students but waited a year. "I needed to have a clearer plan of how to proceed. Otherwise, it would have been too risky," Yu said.
    Then he brought in graduate student Jie Ma in 2008, and together they proved the conjecture part of the way.
    Two years later, Yu brought graduate students Yan Wang and Dawei He into the picture. "Wang worked very hard and efficiently full time on the problem," Yu said. The team delivered the rest of the proof quicker than anticipated and currently have two submitted papers and two more in the works.
    In addition to the six mathematicians who made and proved the conjecture, others tried but didn't complete the proof but left behind useful cues.
    Nearly four decades after Seymour had his idea, the fight for its proof is still not over. Other researchers are now called to tear at it for about two years like an invading mob. Not until they've thoroughly failed to destroy it, will the proof officially stand.
    Seymour's first reaction to news of the proof reflected that reality. "Congratulations! (If it's true…)," he wrote.
    Graduate student Wang is not terribly worried. "We spent lots and lots of our time trying to wreck it ourselves and couldn't, so I hope things will be fine," he said.
    If so, the conjecture will get a new name: Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture Proved by He, Wang and Yu.
    And it will trigger a mathematical chain reaction, automatically confirming a past conjecture, Dirac's Conjecture Proved by Mader, and also putting within reach proof of another conjecture, Hajos' Conjecture.
    For Princeton mathematician Seymour, it's nice to see an intuition he held so strongly is now likely to enter into the realm of proven mathematics.
    "Sometimes you conjecture some pretty thing, and it's just wrong, and the truth is just a mess," he wrote in an email message. "But sometimes, the pretty thing is also the truth; that that does happen sometimes is basically what keeps math going I suppose. There's a profound thought."
    For more information, see and

    Story Source

    Georgia Institute of Technology. "40-year math mystery and four generations of figuring." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 May 2016. <>.

    CIMPA-NIGERIA research school at the University of Ibadan

    CIMPA-Research School on Combinatorial and Computational Algebraic Geometry
    Ibadan, June 11-24, 2017

    This research school will introduce the participants to some basics of algebraic geometry with an emphasis on computational aspects, such as Groebner bases and combinatorial aspects, such as toric varieties and tropical geometry. We will also learn how to use the freely available software Macaulay2 for studying algebraic varieties. The lecturers for this school are all active in these areas and collectively have deep experience both as researchers and educators through the supervision of students; Ph.D. and postdoctoral, as well as the organization of and lecturing in short courses.

    Administrative and scientific coordinators

    Praise Adeyemo, (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria),
    Erwan Brugallé, (École polytechnique),

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. H. Praise Adeyemo, (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria), Co-chair.
    Erwan Brugallé, (École polytechnique), Co-chair.
    Victoria Powers, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
    Frank Sottile, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.

    Local Organizing Committee

    Prof. G.O.S Ekhaguere, University of Ibadan .
    Prof. Ezekiel Ayoola, University of Ibadan .
    Prof. Grace Ugbebor, University of Ibadan .
    Dr. V.F Payne, HOD Mathematics, University of Ibadan .
    Dr. Deborah Ajayi, University of Ibadan .
    Dr. H. Praise Adeyemo, University of Ibadan .

    Scientific Program

    This CIMPA Research School will last two weeks, and will have seven short courses of four or five lectures each, as described below. These will range from foundational to provide background through more advanced topics. We plan to have lectures in the morning and just after lunch (approximately four hours each day) with afternoon exercise sessions, including computer labs to gain experience using open-source software such as Macaulay2. Each day of the research school will conclude with a more advanced research talk given by participants and by some distinguished Nigerian Mathematicians. This model of lectures, exercise sessions, and research talks has been used successfully at past summer schools.
    Dr. H. Praise Adeyemo, University Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria. Ideals and Varieties.
    Dr. Erwan Brugallé, École polytechnique, Paris, France. Introduction to enumerative geometry of plane curves.
    Dr. Damian Maingi, University Nairobi, Kenya. Gröbner Bases.
    Prof. Victoria Powers Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Positive polynomials and sums of squares
    Dr. Kristin Shaw, Technische Universität Berlin. Applications of tropical geometry to discrete and classical algebraic geometries.
    Prof. Frank Sottle, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA. Toric Ideals and Combinatorics.
    Prof. Bernd Sturmfels University of California, Berkeley, California, USA. Eigenvectors of Tensors

    Deadline for registration: February 5, 2017

    Application procedure only for applicants not from Nigeria.
    Applicants from Nigeria must contact local organizer: Praise Adeyemo, (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria),

    View online : Local website

    2016/2017 CIMPA Rsearch Schools

    PDF - 608 kb

    The following schools will be organized by International Center for Pure and Applied

    Lattices and applications to cryptography and coding theory

    CIMPA-ICTP-VIETNAM, Ho Chi Minh, August 1-12
    Research School co-sponsored with ICTP

    Mathematical Models for Security Applications

    CIMPA-CUBA, Havana, August 29 - September 9

    Mathématiques pour la Biologie

    CIMPA-TUNISIA, Tunis, October 4-14

    Théorie Spectrale des Graphes et des Variétés

    CIMPA-TUNISIA, Kairouan, November 7-19

    On Geometric Flows

    CIMPA-INDIA, Kolkata, December 1-12

    Mathematical models in biology and medicine

    CIMPA-MAURITIUS, Quatre Bornes, December 5-16

    For more information

    Wish you good luck in your application

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